Monday, December 31, 2012


You just gotta shake your head
in defeat
and smile
and laugh
and think to yourself
"Yep, this would only happen to us..."

Like coming home from a cross-country flight
at 11pm at night
to a mile-long line of people waiting for a taxi
just like you
all cold, tired and hungry
all wanting to get to their nice, warm homes

Finally arriving home
to a 56 degree home
where you see your breath when you walk in
(mmmm nice and cozy)

try turning on the heater
try turning on the lights
...and they don't turn on
half of the house has no power
for no reason

Go light the candles!
Go grab extra blankets!
Get cozy!

And here I sit in 3 layers of clothing
laughing that I can see our breath
and can't feel my toes

Loving that my husband is so handy
and full of common sense
calling an electrician

you just gotta make lemonade with those darn lemons

(Thank the good Lord above the coffee maker still has power...
or I can tell you one thing. There would definitely be no lemonade in this house)

Friday, December 28, 2012

When I grow up, I will have that!

We stepped off the plane in Delaware
and a cold hit my face

"Get in the car as fast as you can!"
I told myself

The car rolls up
hugs are exchanged
the seat heaters are on

"When I grow up, I will have seat heaters in my car!"

We get to the house
windows look out to the bay
beautiful from the warmth inside

"When I grow up, I will have a house with a view like this!"

While reading "Crazy Love" in the front nook
(looking out at the bay)
I read this passage:

     "In the parable of the sower, Jesus explained that the seed is the truth (the Word of God). When the seed is flung onto the path, it is heard but quickly stolen away. When the seed is tossed onto the rocks, no roots take hold; there is an appearance of depth and growth because of the good soil, but it is only surface level. When the seed is spread among the thorns, it is received but soon suffocated by life's worries, riches, and pleasures. But when the seed is sown in good soil, it grows, takes root, and produces fruit. 
     My caution to you is this: Do not assume you are good soil.
     I think most American churchgoers are the soil that chokes the seed because of the thorns. Thorns are anything that distracts us from God. When we want God and a bunch of other stuff, then that means we have thorns in our soil. A relationship with God simply cannot grow when money, sins, activities, favorite sports teams, addictions, or commitments are piled on top of it."

Yes, yes I have learned something here

I cant help that I still want seat warmers
But I want the Lord more
And when focused on all I have in Him
I am overwhelmed

Friday, December 14, 2012

Please... Don't rush me.

I'm in a hurry
I'm in Target
Everyone is in a hurry

I witnessed a conversation between a sales associate and a shopper:
Sales Ass: Yes Ma'am, we are out of those Christmas items... and it is so close to Christmas that they decided not to order any more Christmas stuff.
Shopper: Don't you know that its only December 12th?! There are 13 more days before Christmas! That's a lot of days!

(Just to clarify, this shopper was not me, although it sounds like me)

The exchange made me smile at first
Then it made me a little sad

The buyers for Target have moved on from Christmas
as if it has already come and passed

I wanted to scream "Stop rushing me! STOP RUSHING CHRISTMAS!"
Then it dawned on me
What the heck am I doing in Target if I want to be enjoying this Christmas season so much?
So I left Target


As I watch the lights on my tree twinkle
(only the top half of the tree... who knew I only had one strand of twinkle lights?)
I am overwhelmed by how fast time moves and...
I have only this moment to fully dwell on the here and now

Please stop and enjoy this moment with me

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Creative Genius

If any of you know my husband,
you know he is creative
hard working
he started his own company

He sweats and works and creates
His mind is never ceasing
Constantly developing the next piece of The Dyer Brand

He did an interview that recently got posted and it is AWESOME
Please click Here to go check it out and give him some love

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Poem by Mason Dyer

Last night I was presented with two things:
1) Rod Stuart's new Christmas CD
2) A poem written by Mason Dyer

There could not be two cooler things given together, I'm pretty sure

I can not express how thankful I am for him, but let me just share this poem with you
I hope it puts a smile on your face as we launch into this thankful weekend!

"Dear Baby,
I'm sorry I'm crazy
But I got you some Rod
Cuz you have a sexy bod
Its almost Christmas
And one of my wishes
Is to spend every one together
In good and bad weather
In rain or snow
You always be my main hoe
I love you babes"

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Oh the feeling...

At the end of the day
a long day
full of chores

To sit
in a quiet house

Oh, the feeling...

The carpets vacuumed
not a visible speck dog poo
the dishes done
the sheets smelling like my latest concession to "Downy's" new product
my dinner concoction baking away

A glass of wine
a type my grandparents got me hooked on
while at the lake during the summer
it reminds me of summer

And, as I survey
and smile to myself
I will enjoy this moment

But the BEST moment of the day
when the dog hears him open the door
her tails starts a waggin
and he greets me with a big smile on his face
"Hello, Wifey..."

I still can't wait until he gets home

Friday, November 9, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Quiet


Its so quiet in my house right now
at this moment
I can hear the rain on the skylight
and the sound of sipping coffee
and that is all

How I beg for more
a dog
a baby
a family
how much would this peaceful quiet change?

I don't think there would be much peaceful quiet

These moments, I know have been made for me
in this time
to reflect and enjoy the solitude I have
to be thankful
to simply drink coffee in my Buzz Lightyear sweatshirt

and to thank the Lord for his sovereignty and wisdom
in that...
I might not be ready to take on the challenge of more than a dog
seeing as she is currently at doggie-daycamp playing with other dogs
so I stay sane


  Five Minute Friday

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Running a Half-Marathon and other such nonsense

Sometimes I think,
Omg, this is our life... it is going by so fast!
We need to take a picture to slow it down.
We need to be more bold.
We need to be more adventurous!
we read more "Outdoors" magazines
and we go apple picking
and sign up for half-marathons
and take pictures to capture it

we pick really small apples because we were too late in the season to get "real" size apples

and I wear jean onsies because they are flippin awesome

And we pose on the side of the rode like a bunch of kooks to get a photo of our sticks and apples

And we try to get photos without the help of others
and I think our photos are well on their way to professional status

And then we make caramel apples with store bought apples because they are a much better size 

And we rode trip with Taylor Swift
not ashamed

And we dress up like Zombies for our first half-marathon
...just like everyone else, right?

And when we hit 13 miles, we pose strategically in front of the timer so you don't know how long it took us
just 23 minutes and 18 seconds people

we have moments of frustration
we have tears
but we also have moments when we feel most alive
and for ALL of it
I am thankful

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I've been homesick for you

When we were young
we did enough
when it got cold
we bundled up
I cant be told
it cant be done


 -New York-


The lyrics above are by The Lumineers. 
do yourself a favor and buy their album. 
you wont be disappointed. 
side note -mason please come home-