Tuesday, February 5, 2013


My Husband enjoys sharing quotes with me
One of his most enjoyable quotes:
"There is nothing so overrated than sex, and underrated as a good dump."

I think there may be some male humor in this
as I don't find it nearly as funny as he does
but none-the-less it got me thinking
There are a lot of underrated and overrated aspects of life

I am quite sure that there is nothing so underrated than a quiet morning with no plans
waking up, without a feeling of rush
sitting and drinking one,
no, let's be honest,
three cups of coffee
catching up on reading
spending time in my kitchen
time on my knees in prayer
I think that a quiet morning with no plans is remarkable

And as I plan to write about something that is "overrated"
I sit here and think about it,
and continue to think about it
and I have come to the conclusion that I may just be underrating my life!

It is actually difficult for me to think of something worth writing about that is overrated
I find that simple things in life tend to get overlooked, underrated
and yes, there are things that get attention that don't necessarily need it
but I would much rather ponder the aspects that I need to appreciate more
than the ones I need to appreciate less

What aspects of your life have you been underrating?

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