Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Running a Half-Marathon and other such nonsense

Sometimes I think,
Omg, this is our life... it is going by so fast!
We need to take a picture to slow it down.
We need to be more bold.
We need to be more adventurous!
we read more "Outdoors" magazines
and we go apple picking
and sign up for half-marathons
and take pictures to capture it

we pick really small apples because we were too late in the season to get "real" size apples

and I wear jean onsies because they are flippin awesome

And we pose on the side of the rode like a bunch of kooks to get a photo of our sticks and apples

And we try to get photos without the help of others
and I think our photos are well on their way to professional status

And then we make caramel apples with store bought apples because they are a much better size 

And we rode trip with Taylor Swift
not ashamed

And we dress up like Zombies for our first half-marathon
...just like everyone else, right?

And when we hit 13 miles, we pose strategically in front of the timer so you don't know how long it took us
just 23 minutes and 18 seconds people

we have moments of frustration
we have tears
but we also have moments when we feel most alive
and for ALL of it
I am thankful

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I've been homesick for you

When we were young
we did enough
when it got cold
we bundled up
I cant be told
it cant be done


 -New York-


The lyrics above are by The Lumineers. 
do yourself a favor and buy their album. 
you wont be disappointed. 
side note -mason please come home-