Friday, January 25, 2013

Oh, the things I will do today

I've got two towels in the kitchen soaking up all the rain drops
a leaky skylight that REFUSES TO BE FIXED
my dryer is torn apart, searching for that broken piece
wet laundry from 3 days ago sits right where I left it in the washer, 3 days ago
Thus the laundromat is on the to-do list today

I bought a Jillian Michaels workout DVD last week
but to be honest she kinda scares me
and I have done much more staring at the cover than "shredding"
and I wonder how some people become so motivated
Why do I have to look at 15 photos of other people working out
before I have the motivation to do a WORKOUT DVD?
Its on the to-do list

I would much rather sit here and drink my coffee
pause. reflect.

Why am I such a planner at night before bed?
As I laid my head down
no more duties for the day
I had my next day planned out down to the minute

Oh, the things I will do today

Welp, I was supposed to have done that workout DVD already
...and all I did was blog about it
At least that's better than looking at it right?
still on the to-do list

My car has the check engine light on
its been on for a while
and 3 car visits to the auto shop later...
its still on
I have an appointment for 10am today
today is the big day
the check engine light is going to be turned off
even if I have to tell them to turn it off as I drive away, fixed or not fixed
Its on the to-do list, so this is serious
I mean business

The DMV never sent me my registration for 2013
a mis-colored 2012 sticker still stands out on my license plate, lonely
As I put my new license plate cover on, that audaciously reads:
"I know, I know
License and Registration"
(Thank you, Lauren, for the amazing birthday gift!)
It occurs to me, I should get that fixed
I have an appointment at 12:50
it took me 45 minutes on the phone (+ or - a little yelling and some grunts) to get that appointment
So I think I will keep it
Its on the to-do list

anyone have a better to-do list they are willing to share with me
to help me get through mine?

I really need to get off this couch
like asap
maybe after another cup of coffee...