Friday, September 28, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Grasp

Five minutes of unedited, uninterrupted thoughts on "grasp"

I will be the first to admit, I am not always living in the moment
living right here and now

I grasp onto my memories of the past
and think
"It was so much easier then..."

I remember back and smile to simpler times
But really, they were not as simple as I remember
and that is where my mind tricks me

Right now
in this moment
This is where my life is
This is where my thoughts dwell
This is where my heart lives

There is no reason to grasp at the past, nor the future
This moment is calling me to LIVE IT
And so I shall

Five Minute Friday
-Linking up with Lisa-Jo-


  1. Really nice, I like this and so true we try to grasp onto what has past but would be better to live for now. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I love this! I am so excited you are doing Five Minute Fridays!!!! :) I completely understand what you mean & have to remind myself all the time that all I really have is right now! :)
